Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Transition Orillia - April 2013 update

Upcoming events related to sustainability (see below for additional details about each event):

1) SHARE Film Screening in Midland: Radiant City (Thurs March 28th @ 6:45pm)
2) SHARE (Simcoe-Huronia Association for Renewable Energy) meeting to discuss a co-operative energy project in the Midland area. (Tues April 2nd - more details below)
3) Film Screening in Orillia:  White Water Black Gold (Thurs April 4th @ 7pm - film will start at 7pm so please arrive a bit early)
4) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues April 9th @ 7pm)
5) Seedy Saturday in Orillia (Sat April 13th @ 9-12:30)
6) Earth Day - Rain Barrel Event (April 10 - April 21)
7) Earth Day - Orillia Trail Clean Up (Sun April 21 @ 8:30am)


1)  SHARE Film Screening in Midland: Radiant City (Thurs March 28th @ 6:45pm)
Midland Library, 320 King St, Midland (in the assembly room). Admission by donation

Join us for the screening of "Radiant City", a 2006 documentary that focuses on urban sprawl. It is described as "A funny, astute and more than slightly unsettling portrait of the drive-through life." Is this growth, business, or an increasingly antisocial way to live? And how sustainable is a neighbourhood where cars are totally necessary? A short discussion about local planning initiatives will follow the film. Refreshments will be provided by The Grounded Coffee; please bring a mug. RSVP required.. See for more information.

2) SHARE (Simcoe-Huronia Association for Renewable Energy) meeting to discuss a co-operative energy project in the Midland area. (Tues April 2nd)

A note from David Stinson: I am on the board of SHARE (Simcoe-Huronia Association for Renewable Energy).  We are considering  a co-operative energy project in the Midland area, and will be discussing the project at an evening meeting at the Midland library on the 2nd of April 2013.   We will be approaching Transition Town Huronia and thought we should include Transition Orillia as well.  If anyone is interested, please have them send an email to me and SHARE will update them on the opportunity to participate in this community energy project, including details about the 2nd.

3) Public Film Screening: White Water Black Gold (Thurs April 4th @ 7pm - film will start at 7pm so please arrive a bit early)
Brewery Bay Food Co/Private Function Room "Down by the Bay", 117/121 Mississaga St E, Orillia. 

"White Water, Black Gold” is an investigative point-of view documentary that follows David Lavallee on his three-year journey across western Canada in search of answers about the activities of the world’s thirstiest oil industry: the Tarsands. As a mountaineer and hiking guide, David is on the front lines of climate change. Over the past 15 years he has worked in the Columbia Icefields of the Canadian Rockies, and has noticed profound changes in the mountains: climate change is rendering these landscapes unrecognizable. When David discovers that his province is ramping up growth in an extremely water intensive industry downstream of his beloved icefields, he is surprised he knows so little about this industry. This necessitates a journey: from icefields…to oilfields. In the course of his journey he makes many discoveries: new science shows that water resources in an era of climate change will be increasingly scarce (putting this industry at risk); first nations people living downstream are contracting bizarre cancers; the upgrading of this oil threatens multiple river systems across Canada and the tailings ponds containing the waste by-products of the process threaten to befoul the third largest watershed in the world. Additionally, a planned pipeline across British Columbia brings fresh threats to BC Rivers and the Pacific Ocean. “White Water, Black Gold” is a sober look at the untold costs (to water and people) associated with developing the second largest deposit of “oil” in the world.

4) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues April 9th @ 7pm)
Brewery Bay Food Co/Private Function Room "Down by the Bay", 117/121 Mississaga St E, Orillia.

Transition Orillia (the grassroots group formerly known as Transition Town Orillia) is hosting conversations around sustainability on the second Tuesday of every month, from 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. at Brewery Bay (in the Private Function Room called “Down by the Bay” 121 Mississaga St. E.). The next conversation takes place on Tuesday April 9th at 7pm.

The idea is simple. Everyone interested in actively working toward sustainability is welcome.

The evenings offer the opportunity for people with common goals to meet, collaborate, and interconnect in new dynamic conversations. Individuals already working on projects related to sustainability may find new synergies, a venue to communicate or new volunteers. Others may be interested in connecting with existing projects such as food security, community gardens or alternative economies.

Sustainable community conversations provide a creative, comfortable space for individuals to collaborate on ideas, projects, and events, to share practical knowledge, passions, and skills. It will allow people to interconnect and effectively put their ideas and passions into motion.

Come join the conversation! Invite others to do the same!

5) Seedy Saturday (Sat April 13th @ 9-12:30)
Orillia Farmers Market, 50 Andrew St. South, Orillia

A free for all seed sharing event! Invite Friends! Bee there! The 3rd Annual Orillia Seedy Saturday is happening on Saturday April 13th from 9-12:30pm at the Orillia Farmer's Market, 50 Andrew St. South, Orillia.
*ORILLIA SEED LIBRARY* We are establishing the Orillia Seed Library this spring and need volunteers to make this a reality! Email us or check out our Facebook event page to learn more!

6) Earth Day - Rain Barrel Event (April 10 - April 21)
Visit this link for more details

7) Earth Day - Orillia Trail Clean Up (Sun April 21st @ 8:30am)
Meet on James Street at the entrance to the trail, behind Pizza Hut.
Visit this link for more details

If you know of any other upcoming events in the Orillia area, please send details to us at this email address.

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