Wednesday, May 15, 2013

More May events!

Upcoming events related to sustainability (see below for additional details about each event):

1)      Transition Barrie Public Meet up - Sharing a Vision of what our region could look like in 20 years. (Wed May 15th at 7pm)
2)      Food Revolution Day in Barrie (Fri May 17th @ 10am – 4:30pm)
3)      Seed Library /Orillia Community Garden Work Bee (Tues May 21st from 10am – 12 noon)
4)      2013 Summer Of Sustainability (SOS) Public series at Lakehead Orillia (Tues May 21st from 7pm – 9pm)
5)      Blessing of the Three Sisters Garden – a Doors Open event (Sun May 26th at 12 noon)
6)      SHARE Film Night in Midland – “The Power of Community” (Thurs May 30th @ 6:45pm)
7)      Carden Nature Festival (Fri May 31 – Sun June 2)

1)     Transition Barrie Public Meet up (Wed May 15th at 7pm)
Topic: Sharing a Vision of what our region could look like in 20 years.
Location: 89 Dunlop St East, Lower Level, (enter from Lakeshore Mews)

A Vision for Simcoe County? AWARE Simcoe has created a vision for the county (including Barrie). The Vision describes what kind of place they'd like to see for us, looking ahead. Come out to look at that Vision, see how it interacts with our Transition vision, and explore whether we want to develop a parallel Resilient Transition vision.

2)     Food Revolution Day in Barrie (Fri May 17th @ 10am – 4:30pm)

Location: Barrie City Hall, 70 Collier Street, Barrie ON

We are celebrating a Global initiative started by Chef Jamie Oliver of the U.K. There are over 66 countries partaking in FOOD REVOLUTION DAY to educate people on REAL FOOD. From this beginning, Food Revolution is now a global movement, and it allows those of us who love real food to come together, share, experience, and teach each other. It is about connecting within our communities – schools, restaurants, and local businesses- and reaching out to support and inspire one another. We know that by bringing this supremely important cause here, we can help make some incredible and seriously positive, life-altering changes for our community. Join us here, and follow along or better still, get involved! More volunteers are always welcome! Everyone has something essential to contribute, and we can’t wait to see Barrie come together!
We, Katherine & Kathryn, are your local Food Revolution Ambassadors. We give our time to help further this mission. Real food is our passion, and we are inspired by Jamie Oliver and his drive and determination to make these changes globally. We hope that our passion and desire for change can be an inspiration to you!
~ Cook On!
-Food Revolution Barrie Team

3)     Seed Library /Orillia Community Garden Work Bee (Tues May 21st from 10am – 12 noon)
Location:  Orillia Public Library

From Facebook event page:  We are exseedingly excited to inform you of the Grand Opening of the Orillia Seed Library inside the Orillia Public Library on May 22nd.  In preparation for the launch, we need your hands and minds to finish sorting, packing and labeling our seeds. If you have extra seeds to donate - now is the thyme! On Tuesday May 21st from 10:00 am to 12 noon we will gather in one of the programming rooms (TBA) in the Orillia Public Library for a seed - bee!

If you are unable to join us at this thyme, please email us to join us at another thyme and place! We need as mulch help as we water-can get to grow this idea to full maturity!

NOTE: After the launch, everyone will be freely able to check out and grow seeds from the library - just as you would check out and read books.

The catch? We invite you to attend some gardening and seed saving workshops, to share the produce with your friends, family and community and return some seeds back to the library to propagate this seedy project!

Now what IS a seed library?

4)     2013 Summer Of Sustainability (SOS) Public series (Tues May 21st from 7pm – 9pm)
Location: Lakehead University, 500 University Avenue, Orillia (Room 1022)

The SOS is meant to provide a setting where environmental issues can be discussed, and, although attendees are welcome to bring their perspectives and views, the series as such has no political or group association.

This year the SOS will happen on a monthly basis on the third or fourth Tuesday of the month (7-9 pm) and it will include three speakers and one documentary screening followed by a discussion. The full schedule is below.

As usual, the series is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact Thamara.

SOS 2013 Schedule (all events from 7 to 9 pm in room 1022)
May 21: Seanna Davidson, University of Waterloo, Department of Environment and Resource Studies. Resilience in the Lake Simcoe Watershed.
June 18: Leora Berman, Managing Director, The Land Between. Biodiversity and Culture in Ontario's Land Between.
July 23: Documentary Screening: People of a feather. Discussion to follow
Aug 20: Dr. Andrea Kirkwood, Dept. of Biology, UOIT. Aquatic ecosystem function in urbanizing environments: Degraded systems or valuable ecosystem-service providers?

5)     Blessing of the Three Sisters Garden – a Doors Open event (Sun May 26th at 12 noon)
Location: Scout Valley, Line 15 parking lot, in front of Regan House

Submitted by Bob Bowles - The Chippewas of Rama Elders will bless the garden and ask the Creator for a bountiful harvest. Hope you and others from Transition Orillia can make it since companion planting like the Three Sisters is the ultimate community garden. The plants all  work together to help each other just like we as members of the community should all work together and help each other and help the community grow.

6)     SHARE Film Night in Midland (Thurs May 30th @ 6:45pm)
Midland Public Library, Assembly Room (downstairs)
Hosted by S.H.A.R.E. (

Film Screening: “The Power of Community”

'When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba's economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people during this difficult time. Cubans share how they transitioned from a highly mechanized, industrial agricultural system to one using organic methods of farming and local, urban gardens. It is an unusual look into the Cuban culture during this economic crisis, which they call "The Special Period." The film opens with a short history of Peak Oil, a term for the time in our history when world oil production will reach its all-time peak and begin to decline forever. Cuba, the only country that has faced such a crisis – the massive reduction of fossil fuels – is an example of options and hope.'

Bring your own mug! Admission by donation -- Please RSVP to Susan at s.hirst [at] rogers [dot] com

7)     Carden Nature Festival (Fri May 31 – Sun June 2)
Location: Carden (near town of Kirkfield)

Join us for a smorgasbord of environmental delights; close to 100 nature-related events, all within a short drive from the GTA. Carden is located between Orillia and Lindsay, near the town of Kirkfield. Nominal cost for a wide variety of field trips, workshops, and presentations, all lead by expert guides. Birding, alvar plants, reptiles, insects, night skies, and more. There’s also a fun children’s nature program! The Carden Nature Festival showcases the uncommon beauty of the Carden Plain, an expanse of limestone plains, known as an alvar; a globally-rare landform. It’s also an Important Birding Area; home to many at risk grassland birds.

For more info visit or call the Couchiching Conservancy at 705-326-1620

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 2013 - event list (first edition, please send other event info ASAP so we can help spread the word!)

Upcoming events related to sustainability (see below for additional details about each event):
1) Jane Jacobs Walk in Orillia (Sun May 5th @ 2pm)
2) World Fair Trade Day in Collingwood (Sat May 11th @ 11am – 4pm)
3) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues May 14th @ 7pm)
4) Food Revolution Day in Barrie (Fri May 17th @ 10am – 4:30pm)
5) SHARE Film Night in Midland - "Power of Community" (Thurs May 30th @ 6:45pm)
6) Carden Nature Festival in Carden (Fri May 31 – Sun Jun 2)

1) Jane Jacobs Walk (Sun May 5th at 2:00pm)
Meeting in the Parlour at St. Paul’s United Church, 62 Peter Street North, Orillia ON

Join us for the second annual Jane Jacobs Walk in Orillia!! A walking tour of the neighbourhood will begin in the Parlour of St Paul’s United Church; Northeast corner of Coldwater Road and Peter Street in Orillia.  We will be one of over 500 cities around the world celebrating the life and work of Jane Jacobs.   She was a defender of neighbourhoods, a keen observer of the world around her, with a firm conviction that community mattered.  Explore what is active and healthy about Orillia, what is working, and what needs improvement. The basic route will be: Coldwater, West, Brant, and Matchedash, with brief detours along the way.  Walk, wheel, or even drive there; dress for the weather, bring any refreshment you might need, and wear comfortable shoes.  Come out and: walk  observe  connect !
 You can find more details at this link.

2) World Fair Trade Day in Collingwood (Sat May 11th @ 11am – 4pm)
Collingwood Town Hall, 97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood ON

On Saturday May 11 Collingwood joins a global movement to support Fair Trade! Come out to the Fair Trade Headquarters located in front of Town Hall where you can: - Sample Fair Trade Creemore Coffee - Ride in the Gyroscope provided by Elephant Thoughts - Speak to one of our Fair Trade Ambassadors to learn more about fair trade in our town - Visit an exhibit featuring a wide range of products offered by local businesses that support fair trade and ethical consumerism - pick up a passport and map for a chance to win prizes!! Elephant Thoughts is also hosting a special Mother/Daughter bead workshop at 9:30am and 10:45am. Learn about recycled glass beads and make a unique bracelet in this interactive workshop! RSVP: karen [at] bigvillage [dot] ca
3) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues May 14th @ 7pm)
Brewery Bay/Private Function Room "Down by the Bay", 117/121 Mississaga St E, Orillia ON

Transition Orillia (the grassroots group formerly known as Transition Town Orillia) is hosting conversations around sustainability on the second Tuesday of every month, from 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. at Brewery Bay (in the Private Function Room called “Down by the Bay” 121 Mississaga St. E.). The idea is simple. Everyone interested in actively working toward sustainability is welcome.

This month will have a particular focus on Community Gardening, Tower Gardens & local renewable energy projects (including potential for an “energy co-operative”). There will be lots of opportunity to discuss other projects and ideas as well.

The evenings offer the opportunity for people with common goals to meet, collaborate, and interconnect in new dynamic conversations. Individuals already working on projects or with organizations related to sustainability may find new synergies, a venue to communicate or new volunteers. 

Sustainable community conversations provide a creative, comfortable space for individuals to work together on ideas, projects, and events, to share practical knowledge and skills. Come join us!  For more info email us at transition [dot] orillia [at] gmail [dot] com

4) Food Revolution Day in Barrie (Fri May 17 @ 10am – 4:30pm)
Barrie City Hall, 70 Collier Street, Barrie ON

We are celebrating a Global initiative started by Chef Jamie Oliver of the U.K. There are over 66 countries partaking in FOOD REVOLUTION DAY to educate people on REAL FOOD. From this beginning, Food Revolution is now a global movement, and it allows those of us who love real food to come together, share, experience, and teach each other. It is about connecting within our communities – schools, restaurants, and local businesses- and reaching out to support and inspire one another. We know that by bringing this supremely important cause here, we can help make some incredible and seriously positive, life-altering changes for our community. Join us here, and follow along or better still, get involved! More volunteers are always welcome! Everyone has something essential to contribute, and we can’t wait to see Barrie come together!
We, Katherine & Kathryn, are your local Food Revolution Ambassadors. We give our time to help further this mission. Real food is our passion, and we are inspired by Jamie Oliver and his drive and determination to make these changes globally. We hope that our passion and desire for change can be an inspiration to you!
~ Cook On!
Food Revolution Barrie Team

5) SHARE Film Night in Midland (Thurs May 30th @ 6:45pm)
Midland Public Library, Assembly Room (downstairs)
Hosted by S.H.A.R.E.  & Karma Marketplace
Film Screening: “The Power of Community”

'When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba's economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people during this difficult time. Cubans share how they transitioned from a highly mechanized, industrial agricultural system to one using organic methods of farming and local, urban gardens. It is an unusual look into the Cuban culture during this economic crisis, which they call "The Special Period." The film opens with a short history of Peak Oil, a term for the time in our history when world oil production will reach its all-time peak and begin to decline forever. Cuba, the only country that has faced such a crisis – the massive reduction of fossil fuels – is an example of options and hope.' 
Bring your own mug! Admission by donation -- Please RSVP to Susan at s.hirst [at] rogers [dot] com

6) Carden Nature Festival (Fri May 31 – Sun June 2)
Location: Carden (near town of Kirkfield)

Join us for a smorgasbord of environmental delights; close to 100 nature-related events, all within a short drive from the GTA. Carden is located between Orillia and Lindsay, near the town of Kirkfield. Nominal cost for a wide variety of field trips, workshops, and presentations, all lead by expert guides. Birding, alvar plants, reptiles, insects, night skies, and more. There’s also a fun children’s nature program! The Carden Nature Festival showcases the uncommon beauty of the Carden Plain, an expanse of limestone plains, known as an alvar; a globally-rare landform. It’s also an Important Birding Area; home to many at risk grassland birds.
For more info visit this link or call the Couchiching Conservancy at 705-326-1620

HAPPENING TODAY! 2nd Annual Jane Jacobs walk in Orillia!!

Join us for the 2nd Annual Jane Jacobs walk in Orillia!!

Meeting Place: the Parlour of St Paul’s United Church (62 Peter N)
Guided by: David Stinson
Time: 2:00 pm Sunday the 5th of May.

You can find more details at:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Updated list of April events

We've had a few additions to the "event list" for April, so we are posting an update as well as a reminder that our monthly Transition Orillia event takes place TOMORROW night!
See #1 on the list for more details!


Upcoming events related to sustainability (see below for additional details about each event):
1) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues April 9 @ 7pm)
2) Seedy Saturday in Orillia (Sat April 13 @ 9am-12:30pm)
3) Bellies to Bambinos Expo in Gravenhurst (Sat April 13 @ 10am – 4pm)
4) Green Living Show in Toronto (Fri Apr 12 - Sun Apr 14)
5) Transition Barrie Meet-Up (Wed April 17 @ 7-9pm)
6) Earth Day - Rain Barrel Event (April 10 - April 21)
7) Earth Day - Orillia Trail Clean Up (Sun April 21 @ 8:30am)
8) Film Screening in Midland: “Switch: To a cleaner energy future” (Thurs Apr 25 @ 6:45pm)
9) Resilience Collaborative’s 2nd Annual EcoFair “Aboriginals and the Environment” in Orillia (Fri April 26 @ 10:30am – 1:30pm)


1) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues April 9th @ 7pm)
Brewery Bay Food Co/Private Function Room "Down by the Bay", 117/121 Mississaga St E, Orillia.

Transition Orillia (the grassroots group formerly known as Transition Town Orillia) is hosting conversations around sustainability on the second Tuesday of every month, from 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. at Brewery Bay (in the Private Function Room called “Down by the Bay” 121 Mississaga St. E.). The idea is simple. Everyone interested in actively working toward sustainability is welcome.

This coming Tuesday (April 9) will have a particular focus on local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) initiatives. Join us to find out how you can access local organic produce, as well as participate in one of many local Community Gardens.

There will be lots of opportunity to discuss other projects and ideas as well. Last month included conversations on the idea of developing an alternative economy project locally, and brought people together who are interested in supporting a Zero Waste Conference in Orillia in 2014, among other things. Those conversations will also be ongoing.

The evenings offer the opportunity for people with common goals to meet, collaborate, and interconnect in new dynamic conversations. Individuals already working on projects or with organizations related to sustainability may find new synergies, a venue to communicate or new volunteers.

Sustainable community conversations provide a creative, comfortable space for individuals to work together on ideas, projects, and events, to share practical knowledge and skills. Come join us!

2) Seedy Saturday (Sat April 13th @ 9-12:30)
Orillia Farmers Market, 50 Andrew St. South, Orillia
A free for all seed sharing event! Invite Friends! Bee there!  *ORILLIA SEED LIBRARY* We are establishing the Orillia Seed Library this spring and need volunteers to make this a reality! Email us at this address to learn more! Or visit our event page on Facebook.

3) Bellies to Bambinos Expo in Gravenhurst (Sat April 13th @ 10am – 4pm)
Location: Gravenhurst Centennial Centre, Centennial Drive & Church Street, Gravenhurst
Visit this link for more details

4) Green Living Show in Toronto (Fri Apr 12 - Sun Apr 14)
Location: Direct Energy Centre, Toronto
Visit this link for more details
5) Transition Barrie Meet-Up - Peach Trees in Barrie!  (Wed April 17th @ 7-9pm)
Location: 89 Dunlop St East, Lower Level, Barrie
Come and find out about amazing fruit and nut trees for your sustainable, edible garden. These trees and bushes are adapted to grow in our climate and are surprisingly resistant to insects and disease. Many are suitable for small properties. We are planning to put in an order this spring. You can be involved.
Visit this link for more details
6) Earth Day - Rain Barrel Event (CORRECTED DATE: Pick up on Saturday May 4th, 12:00-3:00pm)
at Simcoe Community Services, 4 King Street in Orillia (corner of West and King Streets).

Did you know that by using a Rain Barrel to collect rain water will shrink your water bill, protect the earth’s precious resources and is better for the plants in your garden?

For the second year in a row Simcoe Community Services Foundation is selling rain barrels as a fundraiser to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities. Last year we raised $3,000 and this year our goal is to double that!

This year’s event coincides with National Youth Week during May 1st -7th which is dedicated to the celebration of youth and their active participation in their community. One way in which young people learn to successfully bridge the developmental gap between childhood and adulthood is through the activities in which they participate
during their leisure time. Come out and meet some of our extraordinary youth!

Rain barrels are $60 each. Quantities are limited. Visit
to pre-order yours online today! For more information, please contact Lisa Spinks-Smith at (705)797-5276 or at this email address

7) Earth Day - Orillia Trail Clean Up (CORRECTED DATE: Sat April 20 @ 8:30am)

Meet on James Street at the entrance to the trail, behind Pizza Hut.

Visit this link for more details

8) Film Screening in Midland: “Switch: To a cleaner energy future” (Thurs Apr 25 @ 6:45pm)
Location: Midland Public Library, Assembly Room (downstairs)
Hosted by S.H.A.R.E.
What does the future of energy really hold? Join energy visionary Dr. Scott Tinker on a spectacular global adventure to find out. Dr. Tinker explores the world’s leading energy sites, from coal to solar, oil to biofuels, many highly restricted and never before seen on film. He gets straight answers from the people driving energy today, international leaders of government, industry and academia. In the end, he cuts through the confusion to discover a path to our future that is surprising and remarkably pragmatic. Switch is the first truly balanced energy film, embraced and supported by people all along the energy spectrum – fossil and renewable, academic and environmental.   
Admission is by donation. Coffee, tea, and treats will be available. Please RSVP to s.hirst [at] rogers [dot] com
9) Resilience Collaborative’s 2nd Annual EcoFair “Aboriginals and the Environment” (Fri April 26th @ 10:30 am – 1:30pm)
Location: Lakehead University, Orillia Campus, 500 University Avenue, Orillia
This event will include three major aspects:

  • a keynote presentation by Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, Nexun Chair of Indigenous Leadership at the Banff Center, and associate professor of social work at the University of Toronto. She will speak about her life work in building bridges of understanding between aboriginal and non-aboriginal as a means to benefit both cultures;
  • an interactive environmental tradeshow of local environmental stakeholders involving the active participation of both secondary and postsecondary students; and
  • a series of short workshops/presentations throughout the morning by various environmental speakers/educators for secondary students.

The keynote presentation and the tradeshow are both open to the public.

At this time, the organizers are also looking for organizations to set-up information booths at the tradeshow portion of the event.  Students and staff from schools across the SCDSB will have the opportunity to view each of the booths in the tradeshow and learn what your organization has to offer.   
This event is being organized by member agencies of the Resilience Collaborative which consists of a partnership involving the Barrie Community Health Centre, Canadian Index of Wellbeing, County of Simcoe, Lakehead University, Ontario Association of Community Health Centres and the Simcoe County District School Board.
If you require additional information and/or wish to attend this exciting event, please do not hesitate to contact Kayla at atkkalalian [at] scdsb [dot] on [dot] ca

If you know of any other upcoming events in the Orillia area, please send details to us at this address

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Transition Orillia - April 2013 update

Upcoming events related to sustainability (see below for additional details about each event):

1) SHARE Film Screening in Midland: Radiant City (Thurs March 28th @ 6:45pm)
2) SHARE (Simcoe-Huronia Association for Renewable Energy) meeting to discuss a co-operative energy project in the Midland area. (Tues April 2nd - more details below)
3) Film Screening in Orillia:  White Water Black Gold (Thurs April 4th @ 7pm - film will start at 7pm so please arrive a bit early)
4) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues April 9th @ 7pm)
5) Seedy Saturday in Orillia (Sat April 13th @ 9-12:30)
6) Earth Day - Rain Barrel Event (April 10 - April 21)
7) Earth Day - Orillia Trail Clean Up (Sun April 21 @ 8:30am)


1)  SHARE Film Screening in Midland: Radiant City (Thurs March 28th @ 6:45pm)
Midland Library, 320 King St, Midland (in the assembly room). Admission by donation

Join us for the screening of "Radiant City", a 2006 documentary that focuses on urban sprawl. It is described as "A funny, astute and more than slightly unsettling portrait of the drive-through life." Is this growth, business, or an increasingly antisocial way to live? And how sustainable is a neighbourhood where cars are totally necessary? A short discussion about local planning initiatives will follow the film. Refreshments will be provided by The Grounded Coffee; please bring a mug. RSVP required.. See for more information.

2) SHARE (Simcoe-Huronia Association for Renewable Energy) meeting to discuss a co-operative energy project in the Midland area. (Tues April 2nd)

A note from David Stinson: I am on the board of SHARE (Simcoe-Huronia Association for Renewable Energy).  We are considering  a co-operative energy project in the Midland area, and will be discussing the project at an evening meeting at the Midland library on the 2nd of April 2013.   We will be approaching Transition Town Huronia and thought we should include Transition Orillia as well.  If anyone is interested, please have them send an email to me and SHARE will update them on the opportunity to participate in this community energy project, including details about the 2nd.

3) Public Film Screening: White Water Black Gold (Thurs April 4th @ 7pm - film will start at 7pm so please arrive a bit early)
Brewery Bay Food Co/Private Function Room "Down by the Bay", 117/121 Mississaga St E, Orillia. 

"White Water, Black Gold” is an investigative point-of view documentary that follows David Lavallee on his three-year journey across western Canada in search of answers about the activities of the world’s thirstiest oil industry: the Tarsands. As a mountaineer and hiking guide, David is on the front lines of climate change. Over the past 15 years he has worked in the Columbia Icefields of the Canadian Rockies, and has noticed profound changes in the mountains: climate change is rendering these landscapes unrecognizable. When David discovers that his province is ramping up growth in an extremely water intensive industry downstream of his beloved icefields, he is surprised he knows so little about this industry. This necessitates a journey: from icefields…to oilfields. In the course of his journey he makes many discoveries: new science shows that water resources in an era of climate change will be increasingly scarce (putting this industry at risk); first nations people living downstream are contracting bizarre cancers; the upgrading of this oil threatens multiple river systems across Canada and the tailings ponds containing the waste by-products of the process threaten to befoul the third largest watershed in the world. Additionally, a planned pipeline across British Columbia brings fresh threats to BC Rivers and the Pacific Ocean. “White Water, Black Gold” is a sober look at the untold costs (to water and people) associated with developing the second largest deposit of “oil” in the world.

4) Transition Orillia "Sustainable Community Conversation" (Tues April 9th @ 7pm)
Brewery Bay Food Co/Private Function Room "Down by the Bay", 117/121 Mississaga St E, Orillia.

Transition Orillia (the grassroots group formerly known as Transition Town Orillia) is hosting conversations around sustainability on the second Tuesday of every month, from 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. at Brewery Bay (in the Private Function Room called “Down by the Bay” 121 Mississaga St. E.). The next conversation takes place on Tuesday April 9th at 7pm.

The idea is simple. Everyone interested in actively working toward sustainability is welcome.

The evenings offer the opportunity for people with common goals to meet, collaborate, and interconnect in new dynamic conversations. Individuals already working on projects related to sustainability may find new synergies, a venue to communicate or new volunteers. Others may be interested in connecting with existing projects such as food security, community gardens or alternative economies.

Sustainable community conversations provide a creative, comfortable space for individuals to collaborate on ideas, projects, and events, to share practical knowledge, passions, and skills. It will allow people to interconnect and effectively put their ideas and passions into motion.

Come join the conversation! Invite others to do the same!

5) Seedy Saturday (Sat April 13th @ 9-12:30)
Orillia Farmers Market, 50 Andrew St. South, Orillia

A free for all seed sharing event! Invite Friends! Bee there! The 3rd Annual Orillia Seedy Saturday is happening on Saturday April 13th from 9-12:30pm at the Orillia Farmer's Market, 50 Andrew St. South, Orillia.
*ORILLIA SEED LIBRARY* We are establishing the Orillia Seed Library this spring and need volunteers to make this a reality! Email us or check out our Facebook event page to learn more!

6) Earth Day - Rain Barrel Event (April 10 - April 21)
Visit this link for more details

7) Earth Day - Orillia Trail Clean Up (Sun April 21st @ 8:30am)
Meet on James Street at the entrance to the trail, behind Pizza Hut.
Visit this link for more details

If you know of any other upcoming events in the Orillia area, please send details to us at this email address.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Transition Orillia Hosts Sustainable Community Conversations

Transition Orillia (the grass roots group formerly known as Transition Town Orillia) is starting new conversations around sustainability on the second Tuesday of every month, from 7:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. at Brewery Bay.

The idea is simple. Everyone interested in actively working toward sustainability is welcome.

The evenings offer the opportunity for people with common goals to meet, collaborate, and interconnect in new dynamic conversations. Individuals already working on projects related to sustainability may find new synergies, a venue to communicate or new volunteers. Others may be interested in connecting with existing projects such as food security or community gardens.

Sustainable community conversations provide a creative, comfortable space for individuals to collaborate on ideas, projects, and events, to share practical knowledge, passions, and skills. It will allow people to interconnect and effectively put their ideas and passions into motion.

Come join the conversation on the second Tuesday of every month from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., starting March 12, 2013, "Down by the Bay". This brand new fully accessible space is located just east of Brewery Bay on Mississaga Street East in Orillia.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New blog address

Transition Town Orillia has a new blog address.

We are now posting our updates at

This corresponds with our new Email Address which is transitiontownorillia [at]

If you would like to receive our bi-weekly email updates, please send an email to that account and let us know.