Upcoming events related to sustainability (see below for additional details about each event):
Transition Barrie Public Meet up - Sharing a
Vision of what our region could look like in 20 years. (Wed May 15th at 7pm)
Food Revolution Day in Barrie (Fri May 17th @ 10am – 4:30pm)
Seed Library /Orillia Community Garden Work Bee
(Tues May 21st from 10am – 12 noon)
2013 Summer Of Sustainability (SOS) Public series at Lakehead
Orillia (Tues May 21st from 7pm – 9pm)
Blessing of the Three Sisters Garden – a Doors
Open event (Sun May 26th at 12 noon)
Film Night in Midland – “The Power of Community” (Thurs May 30th @ 6:45pm)
Nature Festival (Fri May 31 – Sun June 2)
Topic: Sharing a Vision of what our region could look like in 20 years.
Location: 89 Dunlop St East, Lower Level, (enter from Lakeshore Mews)
A Vision for Simcoe County? AWARE Simcoe has created a vision for the county (including Barrie). The Vision describes what kind of place they'd like to see for us, looking ahead. Come out to look at that Vision, see how it interacts with our Transition vision, and explore whether we want to develop a parallel Resilient Transition vision.
2) Food Revolution Day in Barrie (Fri May 17th @ 10am – 4:30pm)
Location: Barrie City Hall, 70 Collier Street, Barrie ON
We are celebrating a Global initiative started by Chef Jamie Oliver of the U.K. There are over 66 countries partaking in FOOD REVOLUTION DAY to educate people on REAL FOOD. From this beginning, Food Revolution is now a global movement, and it allows those of us who love real food to come together, share, experience, and teach each other. It is about connecting within our communities – schools, restaurants, and local businesses- and reaching out to support and inspire one another. We know that by bringing this supremely important cause here, we can help make some incredible and seriously positive, life-altering changes for our community. Join us here, and follow along or better still, get involved! More volunteers are always welcome! Everyone has something essential to contribute, and we can’t wait to see Barrie come together!
We, Katherine & Kathryn, are your local Food Revolution Ambassadors. We give our time to help further this mission. Real food is our passion, and we are inspired by Jamie Oliver and his drive and determination to make these changes globally. We hope that our passion and desire for change can be an inspiration to you!
~ Cook On!
-Food Revolution Barrie Team
3) Seed Library /Orillia Community Garden Work Bee (Tues May 21st from 10am – 12 noon)
Location: Orillia Public Library
From Facebook event page: We are exseedingly excited to inform you of the Grand Opening of the Orillia Seed Library inside the Orillia Public Library on May 22nd. In preparation for the launch, we need your hands and minds to finish sorting, packing and labeling our seeds. If you have extra seeds to donate - now is the thyme! On Tuesday May 21st from 10:00 am to 12 noon we will gather in one of the programming rooms (TBA) in the Orillia Public Library for a seed - bee!
If you are unable to join us at this thyme, please email us to join us at another thyme and place! We need as mulch help as we water-can get to grow this idea to full maturity!
NOTE: After the launch, everyone will be freely able to check out and grow seeds from the library - just as you would check out and read books.
The catch? We invite you to attend some gardening and seed saving workshops, to share the produce with your friends, family and community and return some seeds back to the library to propagate this seedy project!
Now what IS a seed library? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seed_library
4) 2013 Summer Of Sustainability (SOS) Public series (Tues May 21st from 7pm – 9pm)
Location: Lakehead University, 500 University Avenue, Orillia (Room 1022)
The SOS is meant to provide a setting where environmental issues can be discussed, and, although attendees are welcome to bring their perspectives and views, the series as such has no political or group association.
This year the SOS will happen on a monthly basis on the third or fourth Tuesday of the month (7-9 pm) and it will include three speakers and one documentary screening followed by a discussion. The full schedule is below.
As usual, the series is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact Thamara.
SOS 2013 Schedule (all events from 7 to 9 pm in room 1022)
May 21: Seanna Davidson, University of Waterloo, Department of Environment and Resource Studies. Resilience in the Lake Simcoe Watershed.
June 18: Leora Berman, Managing Director, The Land Between. Biodiversity and Culture in Ontario's Land Between.
July 23: Documentary Screening: People of a feather. Discussion to follow
Aug 20: Dr. Andrea Kirkwood, Dept. of Biology, UOIT. Aquatic ecosystem function in urbanizing environments: Degraded systems or valuable ecosystem-service providers?
5) Blessing of the Three Sisters Garden – a Doors Open event (Sun May 26th at 12 noon)
Location: Scout Valley, Line 15 parking lot, in front of Regan House
Submitted by Bob Bowles - The Chippewas of Rama Elders will bless the garden and ask the Creator for a bountiful harvest. Hope you and others from Transition Orillia can make it since companion planting like the Three Sisters is the ultimate community garden. The plants all work together to help each other just like we as members of the community should all work together and help each other and help the community grow.
6) SHARE Film Night in Midland (Thurs May 30th @ 6:45pm)
Midland Public Library, Assembly Room (downstairs)
Hosted by S.H.A.R.E. (http://www.sharehuronia.ca)
Film Screening: “The Power of Community”
'When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba's economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people during this difficult time. Cubans share how they transitioned from a highly mechanized, industrial agricultural system to one using organic methods of farming and local, urban gardens. It is an unusual look into the Cuban culture during this economic crisis, which they call "The Special Period." The film opens with a short history of Peak Oil, a term for the time in our history when world oil production will reach its all-time peak and begin to decline forever. Cuba, the only country that has faced such a crisis – the massive reduction of fossil fuels – is an example of options and hope.' http://www.powerofcommunity.org/cm/index.php
Bring your own mug! Admission by donation -- Please RSVP to Susan at s.hirst [at] rogers [dot] com
7) Carden Nature Festival (Fri May 31 – Sun June 2)
Location: Carden (near town of Kirkfield)
Join us for a smorgasbord of environmental delights; close to 100 nature-related events, all within a short drive from the GTA. Carden is located between Orillia and Lindsay, near the town of Kirkfield. Nominal cost for a wide variety of field trips, workshops, and presentations, all lead by expert guides. Birding, alvar plants, reptiles, insects, night skies, and more. There’s also a fun children’s nature program! The Carden Nature Festival showcases the uncommon beauty of the Carden Plain, an expanse of limestone plains, known as an alvar; a globally-rare landform. It’s also an Important Birding Area; home to many at risk grassland birds.
For more info visit http://www.cardennaturefestival.ca/#sthash.ipr2Zq3z.dpbs or call the Couchiching Conservancy at 705-326-1620
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